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Happy 246th July 4, 2022

Posted by David Card in Uncategorized.
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I’m still working my way through this year’s patriotic plug. It’s a political/military history of the French and Indian War, not a topic I’m very familiar with despite reading a Wolfe and Montcalm book as a kid at my Canadian grandmother’s house. This one’s probably too long, and the detail gets a bit repetitive, but it’s full of colorful characters. The author maintains the conflict, also known as the Seven Years’ War, was more influential on Europe than was the American Revolution. I’m skeptical.

There are plenty of Virginians in the tale, including the Father of Our Country’s inauspicious military debut in 1754.

This year’s image is the flag Washington flew at Fort Necessity near what’s now Pittsburgh. (He surrendered the fort to the French.)

Happy Fourth. Throw another burger on the grill for me. As usual, I’ll bring Mom’s potato salad (never tastes the same twice, but always good).